How rotten can it get?

When I was a boy I remember a scandal in the early 1960s that brought the Macmillan government to its knees.  I am of course referring to the Profumo affair, an event  so appalling that elderly members of my family refused to discuss it in front of us children.

But I have to say that Jack Profumo and all the events surrounding his private life pale into total insignificance, indeed appear to be a walk in the park in comparison to the gross and horrible misdoings of News International, Rupert Murdoch and all those around him.

A day has not gone past when more and more gross misdoings are leading news headlines here in the UK.  At its worse this phone hacking scandal reached an all-time low the other week when it was disclosed that the News of the World, a now deceased scapegoat, alleged to have hacked into the phones of those families and victims of the most atrocious crimes.  It takes a lot for this middle aged man to shed tears, but I can reveal that on that fateful breakfast morning when we heard the news I could not control myself. Hearing news which is more than the pits at six o’clock in the morning is more than enough just when you thought it could not get any worse.

What shocks and horrifies me is the smooth almost slimy way in which certain politicians in power currently are defending their moves.  How they stand up in Parliament, almost reminiscent of Jack Profumo all those years ago, and paint a picture of thorough disgust.  The manner in which these people suddenly distanced themselves from Murdoch is almost as nasty as the crimes committed.

The other week I noticed that the beloved Prime Minister of our now shattered country was attempting to draw a line under this affair.  Presumably to brush it under the carpet in the hope that this little local disturbance would simply evaporate.  But alas it didn’t and I’m sure it will not until bigger heads in the highest positions in this poor country will roll.

BSkyB should must sell its shares currently owned by Murdoch.  The broadcast regulator should must force this position.

The Prime Minister and current leader of the coalition government should has to resign immediately and call a snap election.

The electorate, the people of Great Britain are tutting in an unspoken unforgiving disgust at the filth and manner this is being managed.

We have only just recovered from the MPs expenses scandal.  We have a government that nobody elected.  And for as long as I can remember the mood of the country has never been so low.

Stomach churning misery is what we have to face every day.  The very core of our society and indeed everything that is famously British is being kicked around and devalued.

The fact of the matter is “we’ve never had it so bad” (with apologies to Harold Macmillan for my misquote).