There is no doubt that some Victorians were a tad mad, unquestionably overzealous and darn-right eccentric. One such gentleman was Henry Tracey Coxwell (born 2 March 1819, Wouldham, Kent died 5 January 1900, Lewes, Sussex). Mr. Coxwell was an English aeronaut. His obsession with ballooning knew no bounds, although by Victorian standards there is no doubt he boldly went where no other man had ever been (almost killing himself and his passengers in the process) (left: Newspapers recording a terrifying incident involving Henry Coxwell’s balloon at Crystal Palace in 1862 which almost became a tragedy).
Henry was the son of a naval officer, educated for the army, but became a dentist. From a boy he had been greatly interested in ballooning, then in its infancy, but his own first ascent was not made until 1844. In 1848 he became a professional aeronaut, making numerous public ascents in the chief continental cities.

Returning to London, he gave exhibitions from the Cremorne Gardens and subsequently from the Surrey Gardens. By 1861 he had made over 400 ascents.
In 1862 in company with Dr James Glaisher, he attained the greatest height on record, about 11,887 m (39,000 ft) (right: Henry Tracey Coxwell).
His companion became insensible, and he himself, unable to use his frost-bitten hands, opened the gas-valve with his teeth, and made an extremely rapid but safe descent. The result of this and other aerial voyages by Coxwell and Glaisher was the making of some important contributions to the science of meteorology. Coxwell was most pertinacious in urging the practical utility of employing balloons in time of war.
Mr. Coxwell had a balloon factory in Richmond Road Seaford Sussex his last ascent was made in 1885.
Here is an account of events recorded by The Nottinghamshire Guardian on Friday 19 September 1862: