The story of the First World War is the tale of political conflict and above all the running and full commentary of bravery the likes of which will remain indelible for ever.
Thomas Neely was born in Liverpool in 1898 and died as a dramatically early age at Flanders on the 1st of October 1918, so close and yet so far from the ceasefire that marked the end of this dreadful conflict (his family research data here).
The Liverpool Echo published this tribute to Thomas after what the paper describes as his “valorous deed”:
Lance sergeant, Thomas Neeley, parents resided at 91 Claudia Street, City Road, Walton, was killed on October 1, three days after being recommended for the V.C.
The official record of his brave feat is as follows:
At Flesquières on September 27 1918, his company was held up during the advance of heavy machine gun fire from the flank. Corporal Neeley, realizing the seriousness of the situation, at once under point blank fire dashed out with two men and rushed the positions, disposing of the garrisons and capturing three machine guns. Subsequently, on two successive occasions, he rushed concrete strong points. The splendid initiative on fighting spirit displayed by his gallant non-commissioned officer in dealing with a series of posts, in some cases single handed, was largely responsible for the taking and clearing of a heavy fortified and strongly garrisoned position, and enabled his company to advance 3000 yards along the Hindenburg support line.
This brave young soldier joined up in the Cheshire’s in September, 1914, when only a month over 17 years of age.
He had been twice wounded while in action in France.
Six months ago he was awarded the Military Medal and was allowed 14 days extra leave.
He returned to the front on August 26 – his 21st birthday.
His colonel wrote home after the event of September 27, saying that before he went into action young Neeley, of whom he spoke in terms of high praise, was promoted to lance sergeant, and that for his brave deed subsequently he was being recommended for another decoration.
Three days later he was in action again, and was killed, so that the VC will be awarded as a posthumous honour.
His captain had wanted him to go in for a commission, but his company offers sir persuaded him not to do so, saying he was of more use in the ranks.
The later sergeant Neeley, who was educated at St. Francis de Sale’s School, Hale Road, Walton, Walsall, prior to joining the army, employed at Bibby’s oil cake mills.
He was an only son and eldest child, and his father is employed at the docks.