August 1st 1914 – High drama in Europe

01 aug head

01 aug head 02August 1st 1914 The Hull Daily Mail is reporting the crushing drama now facing all Europe.

“A Reuters Rome message stated this morning: The Messagro semi-officially announces that the German Ambassador last night informed the Italian government that Germany had sent an ultimatum to France and Russia – Press Association.

Re: Ultimatum to Russia and France by Germany.

Martial law proclaimed in Germany.

Germany will mobilise if Russia proceeds with her mobilisation.

General mobilisation ordered in Holland and Switzerland. Expected in Belgium.

London Stock Exchange closed. Unprecedented event.

Bank rate raised to 8% – i.e. doubled in one day.

Both Germany and France preparing to mobilise.

International trains to Germany via Belgium stopped at frontier.

Franco-German and Belgo-German telephones interrupted.

Moratorium, or suspension of payments expected in Paris today.