The Judge and the Carpenter – 1898

Taunton Courier, and Western Advertiser – Wednesday 30 November 1898

Meanwhile it’s another day in Clerkenwell County Court for Judge Edge. The Taunton Courier, and Western Advertiser (Wednesday 30 November 1898)  report an amusing interlude:

The Judge and the Carpenter.

Amusing Interlude at a County Court.

Before Judge Edge, at Clerkenwell County Court, a man named Matthews appeared on a summons for the value of some goods supplied.

Judge: do you owe this?

Defendant: I don’t know.

Judge: Eh!  That sounds like an admission.  What are you?

Defendant: A Journeyman.

Judge: Where are you going? (laughter)

Defendant: I don’t know. (loud laughter.)

Judge: What is your work?

Defendant: A journeyman carpenter.

Judge: What do you earn?

Defendant (very hesitatingly): About 30 shillings.

Judge: About means another 5 shillings, so that is 35 shillings a week. (laughter) Are you a married man?

Defendant made no answer.

Judge: Come, now.  Your ought to know.  Can’t you remember? (loud laughter).

Defendant: Well, yes; I am.

Judge: Sounds as if you’re not certain. (laughter).  If I order you to pay six shillings a month will you remember that? (laughter).

Defendant: Yes.

Judge: Then we shall be all right. (laughter)