British Newspapers quite frequently covered stories from the former British Colonies. Much of the reports, like the domestic ones, were fairly routine yet quite revealing for today’s researchers. It wasn’t unusual to read court reports, criminal activity and other news from the former British Empire.
In 1826 this story from Bermuda is headline news:
Execution Of A Master By His Apprentice

Bermuda. – The public interest has been excited here by the trial and condemnation of the wretched man who murdered the unfortunate Mr. Folger; it was thought that no jury in Bermuda would have found him guilty, but the evidence was so strong that it was found impossible to acquit him –he was accordingly sentenced to be hanged. The Archdeacon and the Rev. Messrs Lough and Potts, attended him after his condemnation with great zeal, and endeavoured earnestly to bring him to a proper frame of mind, but their efforts were not so successful as could be wished. It is so many years since an execution has taken place in these islands, that the office of *Jack Ketch is unknown, and it was supposed that there would have been great difficulty in finding a person who would perform the office of that respectable character. But such had been the behaviour of the wretched criminal to his servants, and of those over whom he had ever any power, that when it came to the point, a great many people came forward, who were ready to hang him with the greatest pleasure; and the man who did hang him, was an old apprentice, with whom he had parted in anger some years since. It was thought necessary to disguise the executioner, but just as he was tying the fatal knot his mask and fell off, and the ill fated man immediately recognized him. The expression of their countenances at that moment formed a subject worthy of the pencil of WILKIE; upwards of three thousand people were assembled to witness the awful scene, upon most of whom it appeared to produce a very powerful affect. The greatest order prevailed, and the multitude retired peaceably to their own homes.
- *“John Ketch, generally known as Jack Ketch, (died November 1686)was an infamous English executioner employed by King Charles II.He became famous through the way he performed his duties during the tumults of the 1680s, when he was often mentioned in broadsheet accounts that circulated throughout the Kingdom of England. He is thought to have been appointed in 1663. He executed the death sentences against William Russell, Lord Russell, in Lincoln’s Inn Fields on 21 July 1683, and James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth, on 15 July 1685, after the Monmouth Rebellion. Ketch’s notoriety stems from “his barbarity at the execution of Lord Russell, the Duke of Monmouth, and other political offenders.” Because of his botched executions, the name “Jack Ketch” is used as a proverbial name for death, Satan, and executioner” (source:
Ian Waugh
Old British News