Leamington Spa Courier – Saturday 17 September 1836 LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Commitments to the County Gaol:—By F. Lloyd, Esq., Samuel Fantham, charged with stealing, at Birmingham, a double-barrel gun, the property of Edward Powell. —John Smith, charged with stealing, at Aston, a five-pound note, a sovereign, and three half sovereigns in […]
Yorkshire Evening Post – Monday 31 May 1915 YORKSHIREMEN’S EXPERIENCES AT THE FRONT. HUSSARS IN THE TRENCHES. THE CONTENTS OF A SOLDIER’S PACK. The Yorkshire Hussars, made up of troopers from all parts of the West Riding, took part in severe fighting in France on Whit-Sunday and Monday. Trooper George […]
The Kensington Post – Friday 14 October 1927 ACCIDENTS Colliding with a motor ‘bus at the junction of Wesley Road and Shakespeare Avenue, Stonebridge, Miss Emily Cox, of 28 Pitfield Way, Stonebridge, who was riding a bicycle, was injured, and after treatment by Dr. Bateman, was taken home in the […]
Reading Mercury – Monday 09 June 1834 LAW AND POLICE ARCHES COURT — FRIDAY, MAY 30. HADLEY v. REYNOLDS, FALSELY CALLED HADLEY. This was a suit promoted by the Rev. James Hadley, of Powick, in Worcestershire, against Emma, his wife, for a nullity of marriage, on the ground of undue […]
South Western Star – Friday 11 May 1923 “THAT’S ROBBERY—HIGHWAY ROBBERY.” Two Battersea boys, Percy Newcombe (11), 98 Livingstone-road, and John Johnson (9), 91 Livingstone-road, were charged on remand with stealing a £1 note belonging to Mrs. Taylor, of Peter’s-place, Battersea, from her son. Last week Detective Bond stated that […]
Sheffield Independent, Monday, 5 January 1874: Critical Condition of a Drunken Man About eight o’clock on Saturday evening, Police-constable Stone found a man named William Keddy of Arthur Street lying in Bridge Street. He was drunk and bleeding profusely from a wound on the back of his head. The officer […]
Barnsley Chronicle – Saturday 11 February 1860 Vagrancy. James Greenham, an old man, who is said to have had nearly one stone of bread in his possession when he was taken into custody, was charged on Wednesday, at the Court-house, before J. Barff, Esq., with begging alms on Monday. Police-constable […]
Berkshire Chronicle – Saturday 03 September 1898 Continental Cottage Garden Society The sixth annual show of vegetable marrows and sunflowers in connection with the above society was held on Saturday afternoon at the “Warwick Arms.” There was a large entry, and some very fine specimens were shown, though not quite […]
Illustrated Police News – Saturday 18 January 1890 THE WEST END SCANDALS. [WITH GROUP OF PORTRAITS SKETCHED IN COURT.] At Bow-street Police-court, on Friday, before Mr. Vaughan, Arthur Newton, solicitor, of Great Marlborough-street; Frederick Taylerson, his articled clerk; and Adolphus De Galla, interpreter, again appeared on an adjourned summons, charging […]
Age (London) – Saturday 19 April 1845 THAMES-POLICE. On Monday Ellen Cox, the wife of a labourer, was brought before Mr. Broderip, charged with an assault on her husband. Edward Cox, the complainant, said he lived at No. 18, Dock-street, Whitechapel, and that he was unfortunately married to the woman at the […]
Norfolk Chronicle, Saturday, 3 August 1811 Singular Genealogy. — All the persons named in the following genealogy were living at Faversham, in Kent, 1760, excepting only the former wife of the elder Cashick. Old Harwood had two daughters by his first wife, of which the eldest was married to John Cashick, […]