UK News

34 posts

A Soldier’s Harrowing Account from the Trenches – 1915

A Soldier’s Harrowing Account from the Trenches – 1915

Yorkshire Evening Post – Monday 31 May 1915 YORKSHIREMEN’S EXPERIENCES AT THE FRONT. HUSSARS IN THE TRENCHES. THE CONTENTS OF A SOLDIER’S PACK. The Yorkshire Hussars, made up of troopers from all parts of the West Riding, took part in severe fighting in France on Whit-Sunday and Monday. Trooper George […]

Elderly Farm Labourer Dies After Fall While Picking Cherries – 1950

Elderly Farm Labourer Dies After Fall While Picking Cherries – 1950

Chatham Standard – Wednesday 28 June 1950 FELL WHILE PICKING CHERRIES Misadventure Verdict At Inquest On Farm Labourer As the result of a fall from a ladder while picking cherries, 79-years-old Henry James Lockyer, a farm labourer, of 13, Pembury-st., Sittingbourne, died later in St Bartholomew’s Hospital, Rochester, from shock […]

Forging, Tampering with Family History – 1898

Forging, Tampering with Family History – 1898

October 26, 1898 | ST. JAMES’S GAZETTE THE ANTIQUARIAN ROMANCE. MORE REMARKABLE EVIDENCE. Mr. Lushington sat again specially at Bow-street yesterday for the further hearing of the charges against Herbert Davies, twenty-five, “private surgeon,” of Castlenau-gardens, Barnes, of forging entries in Mangotsfield parish register, tampering with monuments and coffins, forging […]

Rare and Short-Lived Newspapers

Rare and Short-Lived Newspapers

Throughout history, many newspapers have had fleeting existences, often created in response to specific events, movements, or ambitions that were unsustainable in the long term. These rare and short-lived publications offer unique insights into the moments they captured, often serving niche audiences or addressing radical ideas. Their limited runs and […]

The Princetown Railway – From Quarries to Conservation

The Princetown Railway – From Quarries to Conservation

“From Quarries to Conservation: Dartmoor’s Granite Industry, Railway, and Transformation” By Ian Waugh, ‘The Princetown Railway’ here Scope and Themes This comprehensive work explores four interrelated themes regarding the Princetown Railway: The Granite Industry and Its Legacy Dartmoor’s granite industry was instrumental in shaping both the moor’s physical landscape and […]

Proudly British

Proudly British

I for one am extremely proud of my country. A lot is published today regarding the closing of the single greatest event this nation has experienced in modern history. As an overall happening London 2012 showcased the capital and nation in way that was calm, cool and British. It made […]

Twelve Months On

Twelve Months On

12 months ago to the day the immediate world around here turned into a war zone. And that’s the truth. War had broken out in South London. I was way too concerned with my personal safety to post anything online on the 8th August. As the day progressed the unrest […]

The nightmare that is Boots the Chemist

The nightmare that is Boots the Chemist

Boots Dispensing Medication – Serious Failures Written: June 2012 Some outlets and general businesses here in the United Kingdom over the years have formed part of the retail fabric of our high streets. One of these is Boots the Chemist. The long established and until recently much respected health and […]

60 years – Head of the ‘Windsor’ brand

I have always maintained that from a historic perspective the British royals are important. Any group, collection or family, rightly or wrongly, who has maintained a place in history for generations is historically noteworthy. When we look at our history these people have featured in the story of our nation […]

Our nation humiliated again

Our nation humiliated again

Last week I predicted the UK would drop like a lead balloon at the EuroVision 2012 Song Contest. Gosh! How unpatriotic I am. How can you suggest such a thing? Today the British and international press are full of our humiliation. Ok we were not bottom, we were second from […]

Are we facing terminal collapse?

Ok, so, well, what can I say? Since the General Election I have on occasions been hammered by some for ‘banging on’ about The Labour Party. For ‘not giving the coalition a chance’. For ‘agreeing to disagree’ (something I would never do). Yet today I open the media to discover […]

Lost! My ability to speak English

Lost! My ability to speak English

It appears I need to take elocution lessons. British Telecom has lost the ability to understand what I say, despite my efforts to use English with as few syllables and complicated words as possible. Three times in as many minutes I asked this telecom giant NOT to publish the telephone […]

Oh! What A Lovely Year

Oh! What A Lovely Year

Apart from uplifting events personally, this has been a rubbish year. Riots, burning, thieving, national political gloom, lies and garbage from those who should know better. Credibility sold for a cent. National pride and a country’s good name kicked in the teeth by those who run it. Good, then not […]

8 – 8 Hell

8 – 8 Hell

The eighth of August 2011 will go down as one of South London’s darker dates.  It will stay in our memories probably for ever. As London was burning, the sirens were screaming, as news channels broadcast our hell live to the world, I can remember watching the thick black smoke […]

Get your facts right ‘dear’

Since this coalition government has been running the affairs of Great Britain, Prime Ministers Question time (PMQs) scheduled for most Wednesdays has turned into a theatrical fiasco. Yesterday was no exception to the rule.  With the Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative party making a total mockery of the […]



This evening I have been filling in my 2011 Census Form. I used my computer, did the process online using the high speed broadband, in my central heated comfortable apartment, lit by electric light whilst listening to some nice music recorded digitally after a rather pleasant dinner. Almost to this […]

Setting the record straight

Setting the record straight

Its new! It went live today!  is a new portal for those in (and possibly out) the public eye to put the record straight on various accusations that have been made against them over the years. Here is an example — Cherie Blair putting the record straight about her […]